Monday, September 3, 2012

Samsung says its manufacturer doesn't use child labor

The Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

(Credit: Josh Miller/CNET)

After Samsung was criticized last month for partnering with an electronics manufacturer that allegedly employed child workers, it announced today that all employees at the manufacturing factory are of a legal working age.

"Samsung holds itself and its supplier companies to the highest standards," Samsung said in a statement. "We have a zero tolerance policy on child labor violations and are therefore conducting field audits to ensure all our facilities in China, whether supplier facilities or fully-owned facilities, are compliant with applicable labor laws and Samsung's labor and employment right policies."

When watchdog group China Labor Watch released a report in August that said Samsung's partner, HEG Electronics, employed at least seven children under the age of 16, the tech company sent a team of investigators to China to determine whether the supplier was guilty of child labor abuses.

The investigators found that some student workers and interns were under 18 but older than 16, which means their employment is legal in China. A... [Read more]

via CNET

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