Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tips on opening links and searches in Safari

When you open a Web page in Safari, either by clicking a link, opening a bookmark, or performing a Web search, by default the results appear in the current browser window. Also, like most browsers, if you right-click on a link Safari provides a contextual menu where you can choose to open the link in a new tab or window. However, beyond these familiar options, Safari includes others that can be useful on occasion.

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Like many programs in OS X, Safari has a number of hidden behaviors that can be invoked by using modifier keys, and a few of these affect how links and searches are managed by the program.

For example, you can set it so that Safari opens links in new windows but keeps the current window in focus, or you can change which tab is foremost when you open a new tab.

Entering a URL in Safari's address field will take you to that location, but you can change that with the following key combinations:

Opening in new windows:</... [Read more]

via CNET http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cnet/NnTv/~3/lB7cbPhWZEk/

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