Vipre Internet Security 2013 automatically updates your other Windows programs.
(Credit: Vipre)
Vipre has quietly made a name for itself as an effective security suite that can hold its own against the big boys. The latest update addresses issues with speed while simplifying some basic tasks, but its one killer extra may not be enough.
Available exclusively today from, Vipre Internet Security 2013 (download) and Vipre Antivirus 2013 (download) offer a solid set of Windows security tools. The most notable is a new feature only available in the premium Internet Security called Easy Update.
Easy Update streamlines the update process for your other programs. You won't have to accept any EULAs, and the User Account Control in Windows 7 and Vista has been bypassed as well. It basically creates a system for patching software that doesn't require active input. "In all cases, Easy Update runs the patches from a thread running as SYSTEM, which already has the proper elevation permissions. So even if the EXE is manifested to require full elevated Administrator privileges, the process will get them without the need for a UAC prompt," Mark Patton, GFI Vipre's general manager for its security business unit, explai... [Read more]
via CNET
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