Thursday, July 9, 2015

Luv u l8r

Modern Romance. By Aziz Ansari with Eric Klinenberg. Allen Lane; 288 pages; $28.95 and £16.

THERE is nothing quite like falling in love. The palms sweat, the heart races. It is a kind of madness that can be measured neurologically. Those early kisses flood the brain’s neural synapses with dopamine, the same chemical that is boosted when you take cocaine. But time passes, and, alas, the drug wears off. Nights of endless passion are replaced with snoring. Studies show that married couples can expect around two years of the passionate stuff, and then decades of a companionable slog. So why get married at all? Why not just look for the next dopamine hit?

It is a good question. Many are clearly asking it, as nearly nine in ten people live in a country with a falling marriage rate. In search of answers, Aziz Ansari, an American comedian, teamed up with Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist at New York University, to write “Modern Romance”, a lively look at love, marriage and the oddities of mating in the 21st century.

Mr Ansari spent much of his 20s single, which was often fun but also frustrating and confusing. At...

from The Economist: Books and arts

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