Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New Horizons yields stunning Pluto images

“WE ARE outbound from Pluto.” So said Alice Bowman, mission operations manager for New Horizons, an American space probe, when her charge resumed contact with Earth following its passage by the place on July 14th. After nine and a half years of its being inbound to Pluto, her announcement was met with jubilation. On July 15th the craft sent back the first hints of what it had seen as it whizzed by at 14km a second. Even these preliminary data are filled with mysteries that will take years to unravel.

Pluto is, on first blush, unlike any single world yet seen in the solar system. Instead, it is a composite of many of them—with mountain ranges more than 3km high. These are altitudes that suggest the crust of frozen nitrogen and methane on Pluto’s surface must be supported by ice, which is much stronger.

What is most surprising, as the image shows, is how unmarked by meteorite impacts Pluto is. Some geological process must be refreshing its surface. That requires amounts of heat that no geophysicist would have guessed Pluto had going spare. Far from being a dead, icy world, Pluto has proved itself a very lively one.

New Horizons...

from The Economist: Science and technology

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