Monday, August 13, 2012

Geology rocks! New photos from Mars (pictures)

It was just a week ago NASA's Mars rover Curiosity landed on the surface of Mars, and began transmitting high-resolution images of the stunning landscape from the landing site inside the Gale Crater. New color mosaics from the Mastcam show the geological environment around the rover, including layers of cobbles and pebbles embedded in a finer matrix of material, as well as a network of fluvial valleys believed to have been formed by water erosion. Click the images to see the full-sized photos from the surface of Mars. (And when you're done viewing a full-size version, scroll to the bottom right corner of the image to close it.)

This image is the first high-resolution color mosaic from NASA's Curiosity rover, showing the geological environment around the rover's landing site in Gale Crater on Mars.

(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS) You can see the full-resolution version of the above panorama here.

The Gale Crate wall north of the landing site shows a network of valleys that may be formed by erosion from water flowing into the Gale Crater. These fluvial systems are belie... [Read more]

via CNET

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